In my lectures I enjoy using the technique of bricolage - collaging various excerpts together in an associative way.These can be loose thoughts, everyday materials, readings, observations, overheard fragments, and anecdotes. I play around with this material, stir it up, and in the process, interactions start to happen. At its best, an alchemy comes about and a new thought arises. As I am a big fan of Andy Warhol, I try to keep it simple.Entertainment is a plus. 

Book launch, Saturday, 24 August, 7-9 pm (free admission)at EinBuch Haus, Berlin: What are you thinking about now? Robert Filliou’s advice: Think of something else. You can practice this filliousophical method when co-authors An Paenhuysen and Milos Zahradka Maiorana perform The Pink Spaghetti Handshake invented by Filliou and Emmett Williams. Spaghetti is made in Rome, and so is the booklet Filliousophy, which will be launched as a special edition by Multimondo Press. 

Febr. 2024: On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Marcel Broodthaers, I talked with scholars Michal B. Ron and Hannah Bruckmüller at Sammlung Hoffmann. About time travelling, les lettres imprimées, Frauenfreundschaften.

On 28 September 2023, I gave a talk on the critical potential of the short and the light for the residents of the Berlin Art Institute. Together, we created the eventuality Tucking The Chairs, performed by our ad hoc collective BLOCK 10.

Photo: Berlin Art Institute

I enjoy giving espresso talks. On 10 November, 2022, I was invited to do one for breakfast at Aarhus Billedkunstcenter. We started with my favourite writing prompt: the coffee cup exercise.

A talk is pleasant when it is accompanied by food and drinks - and why not, it can even turn into a party. The residency on archives and archiving, which I curated in 2023 at Macura Magazin, Serbia and Zeta Center for Contemporary Art, Albania, ended with a fishnic at the Danube and a garden party at Zeta’s gallery space.  


As a former director of The House of The Deadly Doris, I give regular talks on the archival material that I worked with and show it in new contexts. On September 22, 2023, I talked about “Die Tödliche Doris talks” at the first Punk Symposium on punk and language at Club der Polnischen Versager in Berlin Mitte. During the talk, an impromptu Museum of The Deadly Doris came about, based on the archival toolkit MATERIAL. The Archive of The Deadly Doris (AAAAA PPPPP Publishing).

Photo: Marie Arleth Skov 

Based on The Deadly Doris archive, I also gave a talk on the art of language for the Project Space Festival in summer 2022 at the Period Pop-Up Store of Dreiwerkraum: “Die Galerie Eisenbahnstraße befindet sich in der Manteuffelstraße 40/41.”

Photo by Piotr Pietrus, 1922:

Travelling with the exhibition Rosemarie Trockel, I give talks about Rosemarie Trockel, art and feminism in Germany from the 1980s till now. Here is a photo of a talk on March 9, 2019 at Structura Gallery, Sofia, Buldgaria.

I like to do my book presentations in different settings. Silly Poems was presented under the big Platanus on Tempelhofer Field:

For the presentation of Underwear Secrets, I rented a big bus that picked up friends and colleagues in the city center and drove them to the East part of the city, Marzahn. I gave a tour on the architecture we encountered during the bus ride. At the studio of Charlotte Dualé, I gave a flash talk and then we had sandwitches with grilled sausages.